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Endure, Scary


Demons and devils are very different things, not that most people really understand the difference. Demons, you see, are actually evil. Every one of them is a ghastly personifications of the worst impulses that we mortals fall prey to. But devils are just people. Some are good, others are not, just like any other species. Some say that their ancestors were demons, and that some devils are born to human parents, but that's just peasant nonsense.

Devils on the whole may look quite unsettling, but not necessarily unappealing. Their skin ranges from a pleasant pink to pitch black, and most commonly settles around a dark red. They have tails and horns, but beyond that the particulars vary from region to region. Both the males and the females have horns, unlike most beasts, but many take them as beasts anyway. They tend towards thick set and stocky frames, and on the whole are quite rugged, strong, and particularly resistant to heat and drought. These latter characteristics serve them particularly well as devils are widely shunned, and most devil communities form in places too barren or unpleasant for anyone else.

Devils have a reputation for being gullible rubes, and there are many notorious examples of devils falling under the sway of some charismatic warlord. Some such ruthless and unstable figures have convinced devil followers to commit terrible atrocities, which only reinforces their negative reputation. Some uncommonly willful devils refuse to follow, but they become targets and are ostracized or banished from their community, or the sole survivor of the tragic aftermath. Such lone devils usually wander, seeking a new home, redemption, or just a sense of purpose.

Recommended Faults

  • Gullible: You are far too trusting. You may not probe lies or disguises.
    "If you say so!"

1square.gif Will: Get betrayed by a stranger you trusted.
1square.gif Will: Lose Wealth from a bad investment.

  • Oppressed: You are an unaccepted outsider with limited rights. You may not own Property items.
    "You're not welcome here!"

1square.gif Will: Get denied a Reasonable service.
1square.gif Will: When an NPC would help or support you, they don't.

  • Solitary You are a loner. Whenever you cooperate on a check, use the lowest result.
    "I go my own way."

1square.gif Will: Lose a Relationship by purposefully driving the person away.
1square.gif Will: Get rescued by your band.

See Also

Version 2.5.1
©2014 Frameworks Games

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