Glory Fist

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The Glory Fist clan are a martial order. Glory Fist combat arts are taught throughout Shiyan, but its roots are in the Tiger nation and it is more favored there. Elsewhere learning the Glory Fist style may be considered treacherous or unpatriotic. The Glory Fist combat style is known for its disciplined aggression. The primary philosophy is victory through any means, and so disciples tend to be more pragmatic and worldly than other members of the Valiant Societies. Glory Fist practice uniforms are black, and most advanced practitioners tend to wear mainly black to show their affiliation to the school.

  • Disciple. You have been accepted by a master. You are expected to follow the Glory Fist creed and have access to their techniques and property.
  • Master. Must be Adept or Rank 10+. You have proved your competence in tournaments and duels, and may now take on students of your own. You are expected to enforce the Glory Fist creed.
  • Senior. Must be Remarkable or Rank 13+. You should be consulted on major decisions affecting your branch, and if you have the highest rank you are expected to lead.

Unlike other Valiant Societies, Glory Fists have a strong tie to the secular government. Since the order's philosophy is pragmatic, it encourages disciples to take more worldly roles, and has infused the Tiger Dynasty with a great amount of martial talent. This melding with the Tigers is viewed with suspicion and skepticism by the Free Shields and Foundation Stone especially. More than once it has led to internal conflicts since the martial world eschews many of the laws enforced in the secular world, but it has strengthened their bond with the Magic Wheel who also teeter on the edge of virtue.


The first Glory Fist school was founded on Mount Hwah in the Tiger Nation. Though a Glory Fist master may start a school anywhere, they must swear allegiance to Mount Hwah and the Grand Master of the school there. There is heavy crossover between the Glory Fist masters and the elite of the Imperial Banners, and the style is in fashion among the Tiger Nobility.

  • Mount Hwah. Mountain Fortress of the first Glory Fist school and home to the order's most ambitious leaders.
  • Daming Military Academy. A massive school in the Tiger capital, where elite officers are groomed for combat.
  • Hidden Tiger School. This school is a well kept secret, and offers specialized assassination training that would be considered deviant by the other orders.
  • Yitong Fighting School. A school that has opened in the Dragon capital, and is aggressively battling the other fighting schools there.


The Glory Fist clan are right on the line of being a righteous member of the Valiant Societies. They teach several deviant techniques, allow cheating, and even openly cooperate with the Tiger oppressors. Still, the clan has its own code, and they self-regulate strictly. And the code is pay any price to be the best.
1square.gif Glory: Become World Famous for your skill.
Focus: Win a competition with stakes.
1square.gif Respect: Become the top combatant known.
Focus: When you kill an opponent.

Violations of the Glory Fists creed and regulations are often dealt with harshly...if a disciple's treachery can be proven. The regulations are notoriously fraught with loopholes and unclear language. Enforcement tends to be entirely around what you can get away with, unless you become a threat to the clan itself.

  • Caught. Cheating is actually accepted and taught within the clan...but getting caught cheating is not. If you win after being caught this is a negligible offense and may be overlooked. But if you lose you will be shunned and lose your status at least temporarily.
  • Exposed. If you teach Glory Fist techniques to outsiders or reveal the existence of the Hidden Tigers you will be marked for immediate death.

Special Resources

Each temple or school has training grounds and artifacts that you may gain access to. You also gain the right to participate in or attend any valiant tournaments being held.

  • Techniques
    • Cyclone Spear: You may use a guard to parry an attack outside your reach with a rod, and your rod attacks gain burst 3.
    • Poisoned Blade: You may use a snap to add a dose of toxin to your weapon. If you gain interference you do not suffer the toxin yourself.
    • Secret Weapons: You may use an action to draw and attack with a holdout weapon. You use your sneak score for the attack, and it counts as a surprise attack.
    • Shadow Magic: Spend 1 focus to have a darkness penalty around yourself or your decoys for the rest of the exchange. If you are already in darkness the penalty is increased by one. You reduce any darkness penalty on your own perception or attack checks by one.
    • Striking Tiger: You have claws as an unarmed attack, and bleeding opponents suffer a penalty on defenses against your attacks.
Attack Tier Keywords Dice Blue/Red
Meteor Spear 2 Bulky 3, Rod, Mighty, Pierce 2, Smash 6dE Hits / Bleed
Spirit Taint Poison 2 Potent, Toxin, Malady: May not spend focus. 4dE Stun / Hits
The Stained Spear 3 Balanced, Bulky, Rod, Mighty, Relic, Return, Pierce 2 6dE Hits / Kill
Asset Tier Keywords
Black Tiger Cloak 2 Armor 2, Coverage, Relic: Gain a bonus to all subterfuge checks.
Red Tiger Mantle 3 Armor 3, Relic: Gain Clawed, all speeds +1, all Mighty +2dE, bonus against tigers.
5 Ghost Tattoo 3 Reach 5, Relic: Fill 5 crew positions, Focus: Slam gains Burst 5.


Glory Fist Assassin
Recommended Fault Recommended Goals
Mysterious Anonymity Respect
Signature Skill Key Skill Notable Skill
Subterfuge Combat Agility
Ambush (Back Stab, Secret Weapons, Silent Takedown), Bash, Brawl (Striking Tiger, Chain Pummel), Hurl (Thrown Barrage), Grapple, Hide (Silent Step, Shadow Magic), Poison (Poisoned Blade), Rush, Tumble
Brief Description
Rare assassins within the Valiant Societies. On the surface they are simple members of the Glory Fist clan, but secretly they take assignments to target the clan's enemies or even take outside jobs if the pay is right.
Glory Fist Champion
Recommended Fault Recommended Goals
Ambitious Glory Respect
Signature Skill Key Skill Notable Skill
Combat Subterfuge Rank
Ambush (Secret Weapons), Bash (Fierce Onslaught, Brave, Brawl (Power Blow, Striking Tiger), Mighty Swing), Grapple (Hook Clinch), Intimidate (Ominous Aura), Poison (Poisoned Blade), Stave (Cyclone Spear), Tough
Brief Description
Ruthless and relentless, they embody the Glory Fist creed of victory at any price. They will tolerate no slight, and never back down from a challenge.

Related Destinies

Main article: Destiny
  • Destroy the Free Shields. The Free Shields are widely considered the Glory Fist's chief rivals within the martial world, and a rival needs to be crushed.
  • Destroy the Stone Foundation. The Stone Foundation is actually the biggest threat to the Glory Fist's rising power. They are popular, powerful, and poised to rebel against the Tigers.
  • Destroy the Righteous Text. The sages of the Righteous Text lead the martial world for now, but how much longer before they are swept aside?
  • Destroy the Glory Fists. The clan is right on the edge of acceptable righteous behavior. If you were to expose their darker practices the rest of the martial world would combine forces against them.
  • Rule the Valiant Societies. The Glory Fist clan could wrest control of the Valiant Societies from the Righteous Text sages, all because of you.
  • Lead the Glory Fists. Right now no single elder is strong enough to claim sole control of the clan. You could tip the balance of power, or make it irrelevant.
  • Kill the Emperor's Heir. What cruel chance could force a Glory Fist to slay a potential Emperor...and put the alliance itself at risk?

Notable Individuals

See Also

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