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A concept gives you ideas for what sorts of characters are available and appropriate for the game world. Concepts help you get started, showing the skills and abilities that type of character usually has. If you already have an idea for your character you can look for concepts which best match your idea, or even create your own. There are two basic types of concept: species and careers.


Your species provides abilities based on your physical form. If any required abilities are listed you must purchase them. In addition to requirements, a species will list 5 abilities or evolutions that you may purchase if you wish to.


Your career concept describes what you do. It's partially your culture and partially your occupation. Each career will list a recommended fault, goals, and skills, but all are optional. Careers list nine abilities and nine evolutions available for purchase (plus any provided by species). You can purchase abilities or evolutions that aren't listed, but you are limited to points up to your intellect. You may change your career during a respite so long as you could legally purchase your abilities and evolutions with your new career and intellect.

Creation Without Concepts

Concepts are meant to provide guidelines, but not limit your creativity. If you have an idea for a character that doesn't fit into an existing concept you can create a new concept (See Creating Concepts). You may also build without a concept at all, in which case you may take any 10 abilities and any 10 evolutions.

Version 2.5.2
©2014 Frameworks Games

This is outdated content. Update Needed!