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The main purpose for a concept is to help give you ideas of what sorts of characters are available and appropriate for a game world. If you already have an idea for your character you could look for concepts which best match your idea, build a concept that matches the idea, or just build a character without a concept at all. Your concept guides where your points may be spent. There are two types of concept: your species and your career.


Your species concept provides your inherent facets, regardless of culture. Even if you aren't using a concept for your career you must have a species. Note that humans have no required facets so if you don't specify, assume your character is human and proceed. If your species lists required facets then you must purchase them. Each species also lists 10 available facets that you may select. If a facet is listed more than once then you may purchase it multiple times. A facet listed as required also counts as available in addition to the 10 offered. Thus if the same facet is listed as required and available then you may purchase it twice if you wish, but you must purchase it at least once.


Your career concept describes your occupation, and provides skill options, ability options, and other special options. Each career will list a recommended fault and organization, but you do not need to take that fault or currently belong to the organization. Your career will grant you three "prime" skills and three "tag" skills. A prime skill may be increased up to +9 from your default, the maximum allowed. A tag skill may be increased by up to +6. Any skill that is not either tag or prime you may increase by up to +3, but no more. Your career will also grant you ten "prime" abilities and ten "tag" abilities. A prime ability may be purchased up to level 3 (assuming you meet prerequisites), and a tag ability may be purchased up to level 2. Any other ability may be purchased up to level 1. Some careers may offer a facet in a prime ability slot. Finally the career will list four special options. A mastery listed may be selected in addition to the default options listed for an ability. An asset listed is reduced by one tier. As you advance you may wish to change careers. You may change your career during a respite so long as you could purchase all your current skills and abilities with your new career's offers.


Main article: Sense

Your genius is equal to your sense control, and allows you to purchase extra options not offered by your concept. With each point of genius you may:

    • Upgrade a skill to a tag skill (allowing you to increase it by up to +6)
    • Upgrade a tag skill to a prime skill (allowing you to increase it by up to +9)
    • Upgrade an ability to a tag ability (allowing you to purchase level 2)
    • Upgrade a tag ability to a prime ability (allowing you to purchase level 3)
    • Add a new mastery to your options

Creation Without Concepts

Concepts are meant to provide guidelines, but not limit your creativity. If you have an idea for a character that doesn't fit into an existing concept you can either build your character without a concept, or you can create a new concept to match your idea. See Creating New Concepts for details on creating a new one. If you build without a concept you simply select any scores, facets, and abilities you wish. The only limitation to building without a concept is you have no special options granted, so any mastery outside a default requires genius. The referee has right of refusal for any character, regardless of how it is built.

Version 2.5.1
©2014 Frameworks Games

This is outdated content. Update Needed!