Righteous Text Scholar

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A Righteous Text scholar stresses the finer points of classical education over swordplay. Though the scholar may know some martial arts, most are peacemakers, tutors, officials, or even accountants. Many nobles send second sons or daughters to sages to gain education and alliances with the martial world, while also reinforcing the position of the first born son. The martial techniques of the Righteous Text are notoriously threaded through the more intellectual pursuits, to the point where an advanced calligraphy student and an advanced swordplay student are performing nearly identical exercises. That doesn't mean all scholars are capable combatants, just that they have the potential.

As a scholar, you must choose whether you eschew the combat arts or synthesize them into your education. If you don't fight, do you depend on magic, intelligence, or your refined good looks? Do you truly believe in the Righteous Text, or are you just pretending long enough to learn what you need?

  • Alchemist. You research (and employ) the arcane chemical formulas that Alchemist Chue pioneered in the ancient days. It is an imperfect science at best, but you're on the cutting edge of regaining magic at technology lost since the cataclysm.
  • Bureaucrat. The Empire has always been a meritocracy, albeit a corrupt one. But still, if you can pass the exams you can find wealth and power in a cushy job with the ministry. Or more likely end up having to collect taxes in rebellious provinces. Still, it beats being a eunuch or a monk.
  • Philosopher. You're good enough, or independently wealthy enough, to make a living as an artist or teacher. You are often mistaken for a martial arts master, and as far as the Valiant Societies are concerned you share equal rank and accomplishment as one.

What kind of scholar are you? Are you pragmatic, or an idealist? Are you as handy with a sword as you are with a brush?


Righteous Text Scholar
Recommended Fault Recommended Goals
Curious Justice Knowledge
Signature Skill Key Skill Notable Skill
Scholarship Appearance Combat
Cast (Alchemy Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Magical Wealth), Chance, Concentrate, Entertain (Great Fame), Interpret (Ancient Tongues), Recall (Esoteric Study), Rein, Seduce (Protective Lover), Slash (Abstract Sword, Shadowless Sword)
Brief Description
The Righteous Text is ancient, popular, and prestigious. Scholars are educated tutors, or pupils from wealthy families. Scholars usually depend on their refinement and the reputation of their school rather than their prowess.
Attack Tier Keywords Dice Blue/Red
Tasseled Sword 0 Blade, Defensive 4dE Hits / Bleed
Template:Writing KitTemplate:Tea Kit
Asset Tier Keywords
Notable Name 1 Rep: Gain a bonus on impress rank checks.
Income 2 Use: You gain 1 Currency each respite or by spending 1 focus.
Spider Silk Vest 2 Armor 4, Body, Holdout, Use: Gain the effects of other apparel.
